Mt. Zion shall be a community church and not a church in the community.
Mt. Zion’s aim is stewardship for all of God’s people.
Mt. Zion ‘s desire is to create and provide opportunities for all people regardless of race or creed.
In May, 1968, the late Reverend Richard Allen Carroll, along with his wife Dorothy R. Carroll and a few dedicated believers, Chris Jones Gertrude Thompson, Robert Gray, Dorothy Gray and Peggy Howard, had the vision to organize a church. With faith in God he planted the seeds that became the roots of the Mt. Zion Baptist Church. Later that same year, we were recognized by the Recognition Council of the Baptist Ministers Conference and officially became Mt Zion Baptist Church.
Our first location was at 13th and Ingraham Street, N.W. Being a newly organized mission, Reverend Carroll persuaded the members of his former church, Rock Creek Baptist Church, to assist him as deacons, ushers, and choirs. He appointed Ms. Chris Jones as his church clerk and Mr. Robert Gray as church treasurer.
The roots began to take hold and the membership was growing so rapidly that preparation was made to move to a second location. The second location was at 4904 Georgia Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. In May 1969, one year after Mt. Zion was organized, with the tree steadily growing, preparation was made for another move -- a move that initiated on Easter Sunday morning. The celebration opened with Sunrise Service at 7:30 A.M., followed by Sunday School and regular 11:00 A.M. worship service. At 3:30 P.M., with Reverend Carroll leading his congregation, they marched from our old building on Georgia Avenue, N. W. to our present location, 5101 - 14th Street, N.W. For this service, Reverend Dr. John D. Bussey gave a rousing message of dedication. Truly the Lord was blessing Mt. Zion as a body in Christ and He was showering His blessings upon Reverend Carroll as well. With ever increasing faith, the Lord blessed us immeasurable in 1973/1974 with the first son of the church, the Reverend John W. Davis. We grew, from a few in 1968 to a great number in the years that Reverend Carroll so dutifully and spiritually led the congregation. Many accomplishments and milestones began under his pastorate. The Sanctuary, Gospel and Little Angel Choirs, Deacon, Deaconess and Trustee Boards, Senior and Junior Usher Boards, Missionary Circle, Nurses Unit, Hospitality Committee, Pastor's Aid and the Board of Christian Education, all became very active organizations in the church. For seven years he led the congregation so faithfully and prayerfully and much was accomplished. Reverend Carroll was always concerned about his congregation and people. He would visit the sick, comfort the bereaved and help those in need. The Lord called him to his eternal home on December 24, 1975.
1976 – 1978
In 1976, the congregation, along with the Pulpit Committee, was led to extend a call to Reverend Eugene M Pearson to become the second pastor of Mt Zion Baptist Church. With high-filled spiritual messages, his tenure was short, however, under his leadership, the membership continued to grow. He resigned in 1978.
1979 – 1981
While the congregation was searchingfor a pastor, Reverend John W. Davis and Reverend James Harris were appointed to serve as spiritual leaders.
1981 - 2021
In June 1981, Reverend John W. Davis was elected to be the third pastor of Mt. Zion Baptist Church. In 1985, just four years into his pastorate, Reverend Davis held a service for the burning of the mortgage. The growth of the membership continued under the pastorate of Reverend Davis. He added a 6:30 A.M. daily meditation period, 7:45 A.M. Sunday worship service, Drama, Golden Era, Couple-as-One, Transportation, and Evangelistic Ministries. Additionally, Sister-to-Sister Mentoring,
Rights of Passage Male Mentoring, Angels of Assembly Dance Ministry, Outreach Ministry, Steering/Building/Renovation, Stewardship, Praise Team, Singing Prayer Warriors, John W. Davis Male Chorus, Richard A. Carroll Ensemble, Showers of Blessings, Computer Classes, and SCAPE (Spiritually Connected Adults Practicing Evangelism), WOW (Women of Wisdom) and the most recent addition, the Mt. Zion Ensemble, were all initiated under the pastorate of Reverend Davis. With the congregation continuing to grow, he had a vision and prayed and asked the Lord to give him a sign to begin a renovation project. He kept the faith and believed that the Lord would allow the renovation to take place. This became a reality on Saturday, March 13, 1999, with a ground-breaking service to get the renovation underway. Renovation began on April 2, 1999 and the congregation had to vacate the building.
During the renovation, services were held at West Elementary School, located at 1338 Farragut Street, N.W. The renovation included the addition of an elevator, offices and classrooms, updated men and women restrooms, a complete commercial kitchen, and an upgraded office for the pastor. The renovation was completed and we resumed services at our building in February 2000. On April 7, 2013, a mortgage burning service was held to celebrate the liquidation of the debt on the renovation.
The tree planted in 1968 continues to grow, with new branches constantly being added.
The Lord is continuing to bless Reverend Davis and the church family. There is much work yet to be done, but with faith in God, we will continue to press onward and upward. The Lord laid it on Reverend Davis’ heart to be a praying church and
one of his favorite scripture that he has encouraged the entire congregation to hide in their hearts is 2 Chronicles 7:14 – “if my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn
from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
On September 21, 2021 God welcomed Pastor John W. Davis to his etrnal reward and rest in Heaven.